Virtual Reality Based Safe Mining Simulation
Emersim – Mine Vr Mining Simulation
Mining Simulation; It aims to ensure that the training of personnel working in underground mines takes place in a risk-free environment and with advanced scenario options, and to raise awareness of personnel about possible emergency situations.
Mining Simulation; The training of personnel working in underground mines is provided in a risk-free environment and in an advanced
It aims to be realized with scenario options and to raise the awareness of personnel about possible emergency situations. Promise The subject is simulation; It offers its users a unique experience that is close to reality.
• Systems supported by Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality technologies
• Training opportunities on different platforms that can be used integrated or separately
• Realistic fire, water, smoke etc. dynamic modeling
Major Scenarios
• Fire response
• Furnace Evacuation
• Kavlak Scanning
• Blast hole drilling & filling
• Preparing the blasting mechanism
• Material transportation
• Construction of fortifications in progress
• Injection pump usage
Instructor Console and Management System
• Creating and Editing Personnel Records
• Measurement, Evaluation and Analysis
• Reporting and Archiving